Hoe Hoe Hoe Pty Ltd

Super mature landscape feature trees

Cloud Pruning

This highly skilled technique creates beautifully manicured trees that burst with sculptural interest. 


Our Signature Trees

Our signature trees are super mature olive specimens that have been carefully extracted from an old derelict church olive grove and a local olive oil grove in Red Hill.

The trees are exquisitely shaped through the patient art of Niwaki (tree sculpture), to form bold and stunning garden centrepieces. All are unique so no matter what your landscape context, we expect to have a specimen that’s perfect for you.

Our trees are grown in the natural local Ferrosol soils found around Red Hill, characterised by rich red, deep, well structured, friable and porous soils. Root control bags, both in and above ground, are used in our long-term growing on production system to help produce trees with a compact, well-developed and high caliper to root ball ratios.


Natural tree canopy forms are also offered which showcase the beauty of the aged, twisted and gnarly trunks that only time can forge. Most of our trees are more than 30 years old and really show their age.

Our trees are individually priced reflecting the unique qualities of each specimen.

Crane truck delivery can be arranged and quoted on, reflecting the individual logistic requirements of your project.

Hoe Hoe Hoe is a wholesale only tree farm.

Please submit this form to request a wholesale stock and price list